Mouse only:
Left Click: Select
Right Click: Cancel / Retrieve Units
Assigning items: Select your unit first so it highlights, then select the item from the inventory.
Left Click to swap around and place units.
Creating units: Select the parts of the inventory until all 5 parts are assigned, then press the BUILD button.


Choose from one of three paths

The tip below the choices indicates that this option will show for sure as one of the next three choices after completing the stage.

Fighting enemies have chances to drop parts and item to be used for gear building, it also earns you credits to be spent in the shop. (Harder enemies net better drops)

Collect parts to build a new gear in the workshop: a gear needs a head, body, leg, and two arm parts.

Items are complimentry item to the gears, providing them with stat bonus and other effects, a maxium of 3 item can be placed on a single gear.

Items on a gear cannot be removed or swapped, the only way to get the items back is by scrapping the gear by recycling it, which will earn you some scrap and return all the items back. (The gear and its parts used to build it will be lost)



Made in a month for A Game By Its Cover 2022 Jam
Famicase [Scavengeer by TEK-MAN]

StatusIn development
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
AuthorsDevsagi, Amberkazefan69
Made withUnity, MagicaVoxel
Tags3D, Anime, Mechs, Procedural Generation, Retro, Roguelike, Roguelite, Sci-fi, Tactical, Voxel
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
AccessibilityColor-blind friendly, High-contrast, One button

Development log


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i winder when the next update be

i wish in hard mode things like future railguns easyer to get

F It just wiped me


did u add more upgrades or soemthing

cuz this run i got alot more mythic and even a purple?

That's a feature of the hard mode: you will get more rare items the further you go! And you might encounter items you have never seen before

btw how do u get lategame its so hard especially on hard mode

more updates? pls?


i think there shouold be aoe for exploisions and also things like energy mace and flamethrowers

what are different item raritys

It does what you would expect: they are harder to come by but are usually stronger. It's indicated by the color of the item / part.

how to sell my parts i got like, 30 of them and it takes forver to scroll

One way would be crafting together the parts you don't need into gears and then recycling them for money!

is so so good

Thank you ^^

Great, but lose progress when you exit the your website

Thanks! It's supposed to save, so it might be related to your browser settings, e.g. clearing cookies and browser data on exit. Trying with a different browser might also work 

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for pointing me to right direction and the fewest upgrade to clear on normal for me was around 7.  Is the order of easiest to hardest for battles is, Battle, Horde Battle, Elite Battle,  Treasure then Boss Battle? Also i don't find recycle usefully till after 3rd  Challege. Free repair is useless 99% of the times I've played. If you are thinking about sequal, sorting inventory by type would be nice improvement and maybe care over certain amount of stuff  each run , im not suggesting 45 mech parts and or like 60 items.  Also rng can be not fair made it to 6-1 w.o getting the best energy weapon, and shops gave nice stuff every 10th time refreshing on avg, too hard to increase dps.

(1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback and suggestions. 

Boss and Elite Battles are supposed to be the hardest, but it depends on your team composition.

Recycle is mostly useful for the endgame indeed, that's why it's the rarest event to show up.

Your units lose max HP depending on the damage they took during a battle so a valid strategy is taking intentional risks with Elite or Horde Battles to increase your RNG chances, since these give the most gold and items. That way, free repairs can be utilized to gain back the maximum health that was spent on obtaining more items.

thanks, but when you need up making 10k a battle shop repairs are best, the problem I've been having is getting to endgame loot, and shop Freshes barely helps when I do have 6 digits or more l am refreshing  down to 40k, barely buy anything keep getting junk items I have lots of or don't need. Sometimes when I get the 5 mech parts I wanted getting to a workshop can be tough, Would not mind for shop upgrades for the sequel, like increase likelihood of rarities and or getting  9 stuff to show up instead of 3 when your barely surviving and refreshing  like 3 times to 5 times when you have like 1000 gold, waiting for 1 or 2 stuff to show up, would like the best stuff to show up a bit more.


Wow, such a big game made in only one month - that's impressive! Great work :-)

Thank you! ^^


hyper prime rifle is broken, combine it with machine gun or a second HPR, a scanner head, a fire rate boosting legs and body, turret mode item, put those together and you will MELT ALL THAT DARE FIGHT YOU. anyways that's my take on the crafting system, its really fun the way you can make your own units and the sheer amount of good combos of parts and machines

i got it, it shredded the boss


Great to hear you are having your fun with the rare and broken item combinations! Thank you :)

(1 edit) (+1)

love it, I like the second hero's missile spam for the starter GEAR